Green part 2

Links to the other parts: one, three, four, and five.

“Come, dear, and have tea with me. We can sit on the veranda, you on one side and I on the other. See, I have brought out my best. Oh, not all of it is here, of course, it would be too much to take in and would spoil before you could even have a taste. Here, try this one. I know; it’s one of my favorites too. More tea, dear? … Dear? … What is that you are looking at?”

The gaze of his wise ancient eyes follows hers over the fence and down the lane a bit. There is a patch of grass there tucked behind a grove of trees. He waits a moment then gently reaches out his weathered fingers and touches the soft curve of her jaw line. Startled as though awakened from her reverie she shamefully looks down at her lap and picks at a stain on her clothes. His kind hand had not yet been withdrawn from her face. Timidly she dares lift her line of sight and is immediately locked in an imploring stare with the man across the table.

Weighing his words and timing them to match the rhythm of her heart he begins to speak to her, “Don’t bother your head with braggarts or wish you could succeed like the wicked. In no time they’ll shrivel like grass clippings and wilt like cut flowers in the sun. Get insurance with ME and do a good deed, settle down and stick to your last. Keep company with ME, get in on the best. Open up to ME, keep nothing back; I’ll do whatever needs to be done: I’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon. Hush. Quiet down with ME here.”*

He continued to converse with the tender girl. His words reassured her that there was nothing to compare to the sweet presence of her Father. She began to stop the contrary ripostes and calm her heart. Validation had been cultivated and began to sprout in the rich soil of the truth of his affirmation. Quiet growth began.

To be continued.

*Excerpts from Psalm 37:1-6 of the Message version.

13 thoughts on “Green part 2

  1. Angie,
    This touching and private moment between the Father and the girl really moved me. I nearly started to cry. This is a subject that the Lord has recently begun to deal with in my heart as well. The words at the end, Validation and Affirmation and Growth were very healing to read. Thank you for posting this. I love you.

  2. My dear sister Shawn,
    I am glad to know that you were so moved by this story. Thank you for sharing where you are at spiritually. It is good to know that God is working with you about this area as well. I love you! Kiss my nieces for me please. :-)

  3. yes, I love the message Bible. Last year I did most of my reading in it for a new perspective.

    And yes, I did read 1-4 in one sitting. I’ve not been on much and had to catch up.

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