7 thoughts on “Darla Gets a Gold Star

  1. :lol: I love it!!!!! thank you so much, you are so sweet..watched your vid today, and will email you later…I need more information so that I can present it to the missions board at my church..I want to see you all get more support. So many are sucking the system dry and I am having trouble seeing the ministry. :shock: I love you
    Princess to Princess! ;)

  2. hey, my links to the ministry and the visuals are not working, I even tried Hubs pc, and it says there is an error on the page…bummin’ but I am persistent, so tomorrow i will try again! love you!

  3. @Darla – Thanks for letting us know. We were without internet all day yesterday. There are some changes that we were making on the site. So hopefully it will work for you today. Thank you for being persistent.

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