You Are Here

Maps and charts thrill me. Below you will find three screenshots of GoogleMaps. These satellite images are of my part of the city Cochabamba, Bolivia. It feels so much smaller than the estimated 800,000 inhabitants. I really like living at roughly 8,500 feet above sea level surrounded by mountains on all sides.

my block

This is the block I live on.

my neighborhood

This is part of my neighborhood called “Cala Cala”. Two other missionary gals and I meet to run M, W, F at 6:ooAM. Our homes are marked with the numbers.

my jogging route

This is the route we take. I estimate that all together we run about 3 miles.  Am I right in assuming that 12 blocks = about 1 mile? If that is the case we cover about 36 blocks, which would be 3 miles.  We really should clock it someday. It takes us one half hour to jog. Eventually we hope to cover more distance, run faster and run longer. With Marisol the insatiable multiple marathon runner and Daryl the track athlete in our group we should be able to advance.


19 thoughts on “You Are Here

  1. Google maps are awesome. I think I can almost see you and the kids right next to your house! Okay, not really.

    Funny that you live on America street. :)

    And I love your snow. It’s “snowing” on my blog too.

  2. Steph Steph bo Beph, what is funnier is that when we lived in Santa Cruz (another city here in Bolivia) when we first moved here we lived on Las Americas.

    Marti, the snow is a WordPress doobob feature for the ‘winter’ season. You are seeing more snowing on m site than I have seen the whole seven years I have been in Bolivia. But I do so love the snow!

    Steven, why do you I think I like your game so much? You’ve discovered my secret.

    Amy E., ’tis fun.

    Carin, there are some mild hills but mostly flat. Thanks for the kudos. You are a runner too, if I am remembering correctly, right?

  3. Angie, you go girl. I don’t think I could ever develop the discipline to get up and jog at 6:00 in the morning three days a week! (Okay, I know, with God all things are possible).

    It’s cool to see your house. Maybe I’ll stop by for tea some time. :-)

  4. Ang,

    I just discovered “Street View” on google maps. You can click it and get eye level images instead of birds eye view. I even saw mom and dad’s cars in their lot! Also, I couldn’t think of a design that was on a sculpture in town and used google maps from home to look at it. It’s so cool. I know they only have images in towns and from streets only though.

  5. Becky, I am going to hold you to that visit for tea. :-)

    Em’, I will have to try out that feature; sounds fabulous!

    Carin, yes, it is very motivating to have a group.

  6. 3 miles?? I’m tired just thinking about it. I’m not the marathon/track athlete/exercise guru person. Which is why I want to do ballet. Because exercise does not appeal to me … but ballet does. A lot. And ballet is easily one of if not the most physically demanding things you could train your body to do. Anyhoo. We’re not talking about me. That’s awesome that you run three times a week. My respect for you just shot way up. :) Although I think I knew you ran before … but still. 3 miles? I’m way impressed.

  7. Annie, the ballet is a precise discipline that demands of your mind as much as your body. I am super impressed that you are learning it. Thanks for the pat on the back – you are so sweet!

    DaRonn, yes, that is where I go. :-)

    Amy and Alece, I would love to see a birds eye view of your places now that you are neighbors and all.

  8. Okay…a Libby funny here. I once abruptly stopped a phone call with a good friend to “chase down” a Google Maps car (with camera’s and other paraphernalia on top) in order to get a picture of it. I “chased” it from Belt & Frederick all the way downtown, to where the dude pulled over and parked the car and went to some house. (I saw that from 3 blocks away!). I drove around the block to get a better view for the picture. Sadly, my phone was lost/stolen so I don’t have those pictures any more.

    Even funnier…I saw the same Google Maps car 3 days later in po-dunk Stanberry, MO!!! But I didn’t chase it down that time!

  9. Well, I figured it was “history” in the making so to speak. Someday our kids will wonder, how in ther world did they get a picture of our house/street on the computer??

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